lunedì 27 luglio 2009

Royal diadems and jewelleries

From 26th July the Royal Palace of Venaria opens an exhibition of the Savoy Court’s jewellery, created by the best Italian goldsmiths of 19th century. With splendid works of the17th and 18th they were preserved in the Sanctuary of Oropa.
The exhibition is included in the entrance ticket of the tourist tour of Venaria

Royal diadems and jewellery. The exhibition of the masterpieces of the Italian goldsmiths’art for the Savoy Court, managed by Stefano Papi, jewellery expert, and by Tomaso di Netro, historian and in charge of the exhibition of Venaria Reale, will be open until 10th January 2010.

Venaria Reale presents the habits, traditions and items of the Savoy Court.

There are also “ordinary” jewels – a devotion of people, aristocracy and the royal family to Madonna d’Oropa ( a sanctuary dedicated to the Holy Virgin) over the centuries in the mountains of Biella that dominates physically and spiritually all other parts of Piedmont.
The more ancient items derive from 17th century, the more recent ones – from 20th. The goldsmiths of Piedmont created jewels to decorate a statue of the Holy Virgin, setting faith and devotion in a delicate work of art made of precious metals and stones.
Enhancing the prestige of the State and the dynasty, the luxury and magnificence commemorate through great paints of parades and marble busts of the queens and princesses of Italy, honoured with jewels, created by the best Italian painters, like Giacomo Grosso and Pietro Canonica. The talent of Riccardo Mazza created three “tableaux vivants” with the images of Queen Margherita and Princess Maria Josè di Savoia, that are illuminated through a particular big (150x 150 cm) leaf of aluminium, giving a real image of the beauty of diadems, ear-rings and necklaces of the Royal Family.
The jewels are on diplay in four big halls, before The Big Gallery, which were built at the beginning of 18th century for the ceremonies of the Savoy Court.

Royal diadems and jewellery.
The masterpieces of Italian goldsmiths’ art for the Savoy Court.

Where: Reggia di Venaria

When: from 26 of July 2009 to 10 of January 2010

Price: exhibition is included in the cost of the entrance ticket in Venaria
For the information and booking: tel. +39 011 4992333

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